Tuesday, December 30, 2008

No New Years Resolutions for Me!

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Every year just about this time we all get asked what our New Years Resolutions are. Each year I always have a plan laid out and each year I fail. It was only THIS YEAR (2008) when I realized that my plans fail because I felt as if I had to have one...you know, it was the thing to do. New Year, New You. WRONG! I don't have one this year and I am actually proud to admit that I will not be sucombing to the pressure of stating that I will:

Eat Healthier, Exercise More, Read more books, yadda, yadda, yadda and all of that junk that never get lived up to under pressure. For me all of these things should be maintained all year long. They also need to be a passion for me, something I want to do versus something that just sounds good to say to someone.

I know what I need to do to remain emotionally, physically and spiritually healthy and it doesn't begin on January 1 and end on January 2. It's all year long.

Of course some might read this and call me a Maverick. Maverick's are typical for going against the grain, but for me, it's not going against the grain, it's remaining true to who I am. Just because everyone is going left doesn't mean I have to. Sometimes going right feels more comfortable for me.

In this case, I have No New Years Resolution and it feels Right.
Happy New Year and May this be the Year that you come into your OWN. I have and it really does feel RIGHT!

1 comment:

  1. For those of you who may not know....this is one FABULOUS woman.


About vicTORIous

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I am a free spirit and an extreme realist. With God, I've encountered strength that I never knew was possible.