Friday, May 7, 2010

So In Love

I never knew that at the age of 47, I would be so in love with Jesus Christ. As a child, I grew up in an A.M.E. Church. My mother made sure that we attended Sunday school each Sunday, cooking classes on Saturday’s and Bible Study on Wednesday nights. She even sent us to summer long bible camp and tutoring class to make sure her children stayed grounded in Christ. As I grew into my teenage years and young adult years, church and Christ became further and further from my mind. Please don’t misunderstand, I have ALWAYS loved Christ, however; I never appreciated his power until I became an adult.

Fast forward 30+ years later; I have never been so in love. I have never fully given myself to any man, woman or child. Man disappoints….Christ doesn’t. I am not in the business of putting down someone else’s belief. If you want to pray to rocks, mountains, monkeys in cages, scorpions, or gaze at the stars believing they will grant you your wish, that is your belief, but I can tell you this…none of those things will get your soul into heaven and none of those things will have mercy on you.

Christ is the only one who will have mercy and grace when we don’t deserve it. He is the only one who will take you as you are. He is the only one who will forgive you over and over and over. He is the only one who will divinely protect you once you confess your sins and believe that He died so that you can live. He is the only one who promises that you will live forever with Him by accepting Him. I am living proof that Christ lives and is working in my life. When I have good news, I want to tell someone. I am telling you. You have to trust that what I am saying is truthful and that in order to escape the eternal fiery lake, you must turn to Christ.

What deeply saddens me is that some people will read this and never think twice about these words. Some will read and will choose to remain forever lost. They will go back to praying to rocks, mountains, monkeys in cages, scorpions, or gazing at the stars. Why don’t you give Christ a try? He will never leave or forsake you. I promise and HE promises!
God Bless You.

1 comment:

  1. It was meant for me to read this blog today. I couldn't agree more @ Christ is the only one who will have mercy and grace when we don’t deserve it. He is the only one who will take you as you are. He is the only one who will forgive you over and over and over. He is the only one who will divinely protect you once you confess your sins and believe that He died so that you can live.

    In the end, when all has been said and done, I truly believe, as scriptures assures; ALL will bow before The Master; the man without sin.

    Jesus Christ is a Superstar. It's unfortunate that we as humans do not understand, accept, acknowledge, agree, forgive, embrace, and love this Truth.

    He Still Loves Me - my daughter and I absolutely love this song.


About vicTORIous

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I am a free spirit and an extreme realist. With God, I've encountered strength that I never knew was possible.